The Future Workforce Summit

Navigating The Future Of Workforce: Insights From Sammy Murray At The Future Workforce Summit 2023


Our Ireland and Northern Ireland specialist had the fantastic opportunity to attend The Future Workforce Summit 2023 in Belfast yesterday. She had a great time at the event and wanted to share her experience with our readers. Here’s what she had to say!


Overview And Impressions:


Q: Sammy, what were your initial impressions of the Future Workforce Summit?


Sammy Murray: The moment I stepped into the summit, I was immediately struck by how well-organised it was. There was a palpable buzz in the air, and the information presented about the recruitment industry in Northern Ireland & Ireland was both comprehensive and enlightening.


Key Takeaways:


Q: Can you shed some light on the main themes or topics that were discussed?


Sammy Murray: Absolutely. The summit delved deep into several critical areas, including the skills gap in Northern Ireland & Ireland (NI & I), the disability gap, talent acquisition and retention across various regions in NI & I, and the evolving workforce trends within the state.


Q: Were there any insights shared by the speakers that caught you off guard?


Sammy Murray: Yes, a few things genuinely surprised me. For instance, the significant gap in recruitment targeting the disability market was an eye-opener. Additionally, the shift from self-employment to traditional employment post-pandemic was intriguing. But what really stood out was the statistic that a whopping 68% of organisations in NI & I are grappling with skill shortages.


Q: Were there any innovative strategies or solutions presented that you think hiring managers should take note of?


Sammy Murray: Definitely. One of the key takeaways was the emphasis on fostering collaboration between educational institutions, governing bodies, and companies. The idea is to bridge the skills gap and safeguard the expertise of the existing workforce. It’s a holistic approach that I believe has immense potential.


The Future Workforce Summit

Networking And Interactions:


Q: Did you get a chance to interact with any notable speakers or attendees?


Sammy Murray: Yes, I had the privilege of interacting with several esteemed individuals, including Gordon Parkes, the Executive Director of People & Culture at NIE Networks.


Q: Were there any discussions or panels that particularly resonated with you?


Sammy Murray: One discussion that struck a chord with me was “Overcoming barriers to the workplace.” It was insightful and provided a fresh perspective on addressing challenges in the recruitment landscape.


Relevance To Webrecruit:


Q: How do you think the insights from the summit align with Webrecruit’s current strategies and goals?


Sammy Murray: The summit reinforced the idea that the recruitment landscape is undergoing a transformation. Companies are moving away from solely relying on traditional recruitment methods. This aligns perfectly with Webrecruit’s vision, as we are always striving to offer more than just the conventional recruitment avenues.


Future Trends:


Q: Based on your experience at the summit, what trends do you foresee in workforce management and recruitment?


Sammy Murray: The future of recruitment is evolving. With increased collaboration between organisations and governing bodies, there’s a shift in how companies recruit. By leveraging partnerships, we can offer training and employment through diverse and innovative routes.


At Webrecruit, our focus is on helping organisations across the UK and Ireland to attract top talent. With our team of dedicated specialists who are experts in various sectors and areas, we offer tailored advice to ensure your recruitment advertising campaign is a success. If you have any questions or want to learn more about how to optimise your advertising, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


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