Types of employee

5 types of employee that your company definitely doesn’t need

Even with all of the best measures in place to make your firm’s online recruitment campaigns effective, there can be times when a poorly-suited candidate is chosen, with the telltale signs of this being overlooked until it is too late.

Yes, some candidates may simply require a little extra help to be successful in their jobs once they become one of your employees. But others run the risk of causing your company a shocking amount of harm, regardless of how you might attempt to mitigate this.

So, here are five types of staffer that your company will want to swerve clear of – or at least let go of quickly if they do gain a role with you.


The toxic employee

Some workers can have a poisonous effect on those around them, whether this takes the form of general negativity in meetings and around the office, or even stirring up conflict for no good reason. Effort should be made to determine what may be causing the employee’s disgruntlement. However, if there is no sign of the problem being fixable, you shouldn’t keep this person on your staff for long.


The constantly late employee

As an employer, you need to understand the fact that almost everyone is late to work from time to time. However, when your worker is supposed to turn up at the office at a specific time each morning and consistently fails to do so, you need to investigate the possible reasons for this. Nor should you retain the employee’s services if they don’t respond to your attempts to address the issue.


The violator of company policy

Any serious violations of company policy by one of your employees should be met with a zero-tolerance approach – even more so if they are tasked with managing others, and therefore a potentially bad influence. By ‘serious violations’, we mean such genuinely serious offences as the misuse of company funds or toxic behaviour, rather than occasional lateness.


The employee who won’t accept responsibility

We all make mistakes in our line of work every now and then. When we do, however, we need to accept responsibility for those errors, not least so that we can learn to do better. An employee who always blames someone – or something – else for their failures is extremely likely to repeat those failures. Again, however, the key is to watch out for a consistent pattern of such behaviour, rather than let an employee go simply because they made one or two honest mistakes.


The grossly incompetent employee

It is one thing for a staff member to be short of the training that would enable them to properly understand and perform well at their job, and quite another thing for an employee to simply be grossly incompetent in the role. This incompetence may be wilful on the employee’s part, or they might just be a poor fit for the job. Regardless, swift action needs to be taken to get rid of these staffers and in the process, minimise damage caused to the company’s productivity, performance and reputation.


Are you doing everything possible within your firm’s hiring department to ensure only the most suitable and capable employees are recruited to your team, every time? By drawing upon Webrecruit’s many highly rated online recruitment tools and resources, you can help to ensure your company regularly attains the right results from its campaigns.

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