Make your firm’s benefits package more attractive

How can your HR team make your firm’s benefits package more attractive to candidates?

There’s a strong emphasis at present on the quality of the benefits package that recruiting organisations can offer to would-be employees, largely caused by persistently low unemployment rates. This forces you to compete harder with other businesses to turn the heads of the finest talent. Sometimes, though, you just don’t have the extra money to throw at candidates.

Fortunately, however, you don’t necessarily need to up the remuneration that you offer to those considering a role with you. Instead, a compellingly well-rounded rewards package may help to demonstrate to the candidate why working for your company brings greater and more meaningful benefits than a mere hefty pay packet.

So, here are some of the steps your HR team can take to put together the most alluring benefits package.


Professional development should be a major focus

Your online recruitment team may be accustomed to thinking of employee benefits taking such forms as free parking, health insurance or a gym membership. However, candidates also value slightly less tangible things being written into their job offers – not least plentiful opportunities for ongoing development and career progression.

Did you know that as recently reported by People Management, nine in 10 workers want their employer to offer more training courses? Furthermore, two thirds of respondents to the same survey said they considered training to be more critical now than it was two years ago.

Indeed, the right professional training courses won’t just help you to get that new employee through your door in the first place – they can also play an invaluable role in worker retention.

Consider, then, how your HR department can therefore devise training that will make employees feel like they are continually moving forward in their careers – whether that training is role-specific, company-specific or addresses certain topics like the improvement of soft skills.


Foster a positive and inspiring company culture

Again, you might not necessarily regard a positive environment for your workers as a feature of a benefits package. However, it is most definitely a benefit.

After all, according to the findings of a new Acas study, 53% of employees who were asked to identify the most important issues in their working lives cited balancing work and home life, while 51% said they were anxious to ensure they stayed healthy and felt well.

Such discoveries once again affirm that your company’s benefits package must place a strong emphasis on what will make your workers feel good on a day-to-day basis, instead of simply adding zeroes to their bank balance.

For instance, what scope for flexible working can you write into your job offers, especially for candidates with major commitments away from the office? There’s also the question of how you can maximise your employees’ physical comfort, such as by adjusting lighting, furniture, the overall layout of your premises and the daily work schedule. Again, your HR team could advise on this.


Assemble a well-rounded benefits package to boost your chances in 2019

Whatever your organisation’s hiring ambitions may be for the year ahead, it will pay to put your HR team at the centre of your efforts to make your remuneration and benefits package more attractive.

Yes, the wage offer is important and cannot be ignored. However, by focusing on the package as a whole and not simply money, you can help to make your employer brand a more enticing one and in the process, gain better outcomes from your online recruitment.


Call the Webrecruit team today, on 01392 829400, to find out more about what our all-in-one, flat fee recruitment solution could do for your company’s hiring campaigns throughout 2019.

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